My Favourite Veto Pro Pac for Tools | Mr. Locksmith PH Blog

I have other kits I use, and I tried Pelican cases, Pelican tool cases, which I really like, but these Vetos; I’ve also tried the stuff you buy at the various hardware stores; they’re selling packs and totes and all sorts of stuff. What lasts the best, my favourite Veto Pro Pac, Pro Pack.

They last forever. I would still order extra one of these shoulder straps, just ’cause it’s built so well; it lasts forever. It never wears out, never breaks. These things last forever. This is a great, this one here, this is probably like three years old, and look at it; it is like brand new.

The only disadvantage is, they’re empty, they’re quite heavy, and this is exposed to the weather when I’m sort of running in and out of job sites. It’s heavy, heavy duty; it’s expensive, but they last forever. My other bags I’ve bought, you know, between 50 and 70 dollars. They last me a year, if that, and they get pretty worn out, pretty quick.

These things last forever, and this is my enclosed one. This is just sort of one in the back of my, not my service truck, I just threw some tools in it. It just holds everything, everything in one spot. You can throw all your stuff in, you can throw your cordless drill, your picks, everything. I’ve been lookin’ at their backpack right now, for our Key Store, to have our guys run out and just do some quick little locked out of filing cabinets, so I’m looking at the Veto Pro backpack.

I will check out Veto Pro Pac website and see if they have something on wheels because they make such a fantastic system. What I really need is something on wheels. I put these right now on a little cart I have for out of the service truck, onto, up the elevator, because we’re downtown so lots of elevators and stairs, and I don’t wanna go back to the truck to get something

I forgot, so I throw these on a cart. I love this for my installation kit. This is just something just quick, easy, in the back of my personal vehicle, so if I get a lockout and I’m on the road, or I have to help somebody, I have my own personal tools with me. Again, great stuff, expensive, but they last forever, and fantastic, really, really good; I highly recommend it.

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Mr. Locksmith Favourite Veto Pro Pac


Mr. Locksmith Favourite Veto Pro Pac


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Mr. Locksmith Favourite Veto Pro Pac